Download Fast Burst Camera Via iApktop Here
Supports flash, focus and zoom. Shutter sound can be turned off
Great for :
- Sports shots
- Pictures of kids or pets
- Party camera
- Taking a burst of pictures in an important situation, and pick the best later
- Analyse your golf swing frame-by-frame
- Parkour shots
Tips for good burst photos
- Get as much light as possible - especially when capturing things or people in motion
- Keep the camera steady
- Hold the shoot button for continuous bursts, and pick the good shots later
Dalam satu detik aplikasi ini bisa mengcapture lebih dari 20 foto !!!! Hebat kan ? Ngga Percaya ??? Nih buktinya saya ambil foto di depan rumah pake aplikasi Fast Burst Shoot Camera ini dengan menggunakan hp Galaxy Y.
hh qt bs jd ky gadget camera profesional dunk gan?
ReplyDeletetp apa gk memakan bnyk ram gan?
hh qt bs jd ky gadget camera profesional dunk gan?
ReplyDeletetp apa gk memakan bnyk ram gan?
hh qt bs jd ky gadget camera profesional dunk gan?
ReplyDeletetp apa gk memakan bnyk ram gan?
Iya dong
ReplyDeleteNgga banyak makan RAM kok
keren jd gampang klo mau bkin bootanimation
ReplyDeleteIya dong
ReplyDeleteapp bwt ngelepas baju org ada g'??
request aplikasi bwt desain gan...
ngga ada hehe
ReplyDeletedesain apa ?
ReplyDeletegratis kok